clavier de protection des données

Management of Data from Data loggers

Temperature Management

Traditionally, the data processing activity consists of reconciling raw data from autonomous recorders to information metadata (product identification, transport information, etc.)

Most current data processing processes combine electronic data with paper information in a coexistence that requires either paper printing or the digitization of paper documents, or sometimes both.

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pharmacienne qui se pose des questions

Recommendations concerning the transport of health care products under controlled temperatures

Good Manufacturing and Distribution Practices

Within the framework of their public health responsibilities (articles R. 5124-36, R. 5124-48, R. 5121-23 and L. 5124-2 paragraph 2 of the Public Health Code, Good Manufacturing and Distribution Practices, etc.), pharmaceutical establishments must provide a high level of quality in the manufacturing of health care products for dispensing to patients.

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logo nfc rond bleu sur fond blanc

What is NFC?

Near Field Communication (NFC) is a short-range contactless communication technology.

The Near Field Communication is implemented on standard on almost all smartphones and it is estimated that there will be nearly 3 billions units in the world by the end of 2023.

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racks de serveurs informatiques pour stocker les données de traçabilité

Data loggers Management in Big Data’s World

Temperature data collection and processing

Organizing the collection, the processing and the storage of electronic data from stand-alone temperature recorders and knowing how to deal with a stock of monitoring devices in a big data and mobile environment is a matter of daily concern for pharmaceutical companies.

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les différents data loggers gérés par Thermolabo

Launch of a New Range of Services

An interoperable & universal internet platform for temperature traceability

Thermolabo announces the launch of a range of services and the implementation of an interoperable universal internet platform capable of managing the traceability of the transport conditions of healthcare products, regardless of the brand or type of sensors used.

“We started from the observation that one of the biggest difficulties in temperature monitoring is data recovery. Most of the time, laboratories devote a significant part of their quality resources for that task”

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