clavier de protection des données

Management of Data from Data loggers

Temperature Management

Traditionally, the data processing activity consists of reconciling raw data from autonomous recorders to information metadata (product identification, transport information, etc.)

Most current data processing processes combine electronic data with paper information in a coexistence that requires either paper printing or the digitization of paper documents, or sometimes both.

Data Loggers : The lack of standard

This heterogeneity increases a lot the likelihood of confusion and makes the centralization and distribution of information perilous.

The absence of electronic data standardization makes this task even more complex. Indeed, each brand or even each model of recorder has its own software environment and its own standards.

Faced with the lack of common standards and the centralization of information, Thermolabo’s solutions allow to homogenize and strengthen collaboration between the actors of the ecosystem of measurement while managing the collection and the sharing of data in a wide variety of information.

Open communication between information systems in order to collect and link data from any source with metadata and standardize information to provide reliable and usable reports for people who do not have computer skills: This is the mission of Thermolabo!

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