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Sensolabo® NFC Temperature Data Loggers Approved by Emirates Airlines

Sensolabo recorders are compliant with IATA requirements and can be shipped by air in accordance with UN 3091, Packing instructions 970 section II on lithium cells and batteries.

Equipped with a lithium button battery, Sensolabo requires no specific labeling.

Moreover, unlike Bluetooth technology, NFC technology is a passive technology that does not emit radio waves. Sensolabo does not need to be stopped during flights and does not require any special authorization from airlines.

Find here the approval of the airline Emirates.

Utilisation en vol de sensolabo
Emirates Airlines has approved Sensolabo data logger for in-flight use on all of its aircraft.
pharmacienne qui se pose des questions

Recommendations concerning the transport of health care products under controlled temperatures

Good Manufacturing and Distribution Practices

Within the framework of their public health responsibilities (articles R. 5124-36, R. 5124-48, R. 5121-23 and L. 5124-2 paragraph 2 of the Public Health Code, Good Manufacturing and Distribution Practices, etc.), pharmaceutical establishments must provide a high level of quality in the manufacturing of health care products for dispensing to patients.

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